In 2005, IRVT, o.p.s. responded to the announcement of a public tender by the Research Centers of 1M MŠMT and initiated the formation of a solution team led by CTU Prague in cooperation with TU in Liberec, ZČU Plzeň and the main implementation partners being companies such as Alstom, Siemens, Skoda Power, Sigma Group and ZVVZ Milevsko, whose project succeeded in this competition and the Center "Progressive Technology and Systems for Energy" is funded by national public resources. (provision of support for R&D project solution No. 1M06059 of 2006 entitled "Progressive technologies and systems for energy" of the programme "Research centres - 1M".
Processing of the ESF project - the title of the project according to the work contract between the Institute for the Development of Science and Technology o.p.s. and Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is: "Input analysis of current labour market links with the electricity, gas and water generation and distribution sector and definition of the underlying assumptions for strategic employment planning in this sector", paid for by technical assistance OP RLZ CZ.04.1.03/, implementation June - November 2006.
IRVT o.p.s. has long collaborated with CTU in Prague, Faculty of Engineering and has processed a number of materials for successful projects:
In 2010 it processed the tender documents for the supply of services - administration and organisation of tenders in the solution of the project focused on R&D, the area of support for OPPK, 3.1 Development of an innovative environment and partnership between the research base and practice, project "Centre for research on multiphase flow and thermodynamic phenomena in renewable resources and energy - NEW ENERGY", project registration number CZ.2.16/3.1.00/22130.
Based on the Selection of Suppliers Rules under the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation, applicable from 2. 3. 2009, version number 1. 2., IRVT, o.p.s. supplied the background for "Application Preparation Services", in the scope of processing the feasibility study and project processing in the application of EZOP and Benefit 7 on the investment project "Research and Education Centre Turnov (VVCT)", The R&D&I Operational Programme, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
As part of the programme Renewal of Coal Blocks of Czech Energy, IRVT, o.p.s. initiated the preparation of projects for the public tender in the programme MPO - Tandem, where all three submitted projects of the consortiums led by the Sigma Group, FANS, a.s. and Alstom for the solution of the components of block 660 MW with supercritical parameters succedded.
IRVT, o.p.s., is a co-beneficiary of the R&D&I Project No. TE01020036 entitled "Advanced technologies for the production of heat and electricity" implementing the programme of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic in mutual cooperation under the title "Center of competence".